Thursday, March 25, 2010

Backyard stirrings

The tulips and hyacinths we put in the ground last summer started poking out of the ground a couple of weeks ago.  Not exactly earth shattering stuff, but it's about all I got right now.

OK Go - This too shall pass

Monday, March 22, 2010

Distractions on YouTube

A friend of mine did make-up and hair for the first video, which led me to the second one.

What can I say? I like accordian music.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

blue jay

blue jay, originally uploaded by J J Justinsen.
This photo was taken last summer, through our kitchen window. I shot it through the screen, which may account for the overall softness. We haven't seen the blue jays in our yard for some time now, but I hear them around and hope they will come back now that it's warmed up some.

Friday, March 12, 2010

My portrait

This is a picture of me, drawn by Nate.  Pretty darn awesome!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Nate turned 4 last Friday, and we threw a party for him Saturday.  In case you missed it, it was a Batman themed party.  There were cupcakes, balloons, face painting, crafts and games, and pizza.  We had 15 kids over, and I think they all had a great time.